Bike Shed London 2018 - Mykola Romanovsky

Bike Shed regular and talented snapper Mykola Romanovsky put his press pass to great use over the Bank holiday weekend...

By Ross Sharp

Bike Shed London 2018 - Ivo Ivanov

We've been sharing Ivo Ivanov's moto-photos for the last few years so we thought it about time book him for...

By Ross Sharp

Bike Shed London 2018 - Amy Shore

Amy Shore is one of the most talented automotive photographers we've seen. In between wowing global brands and big name...

By Ross Sharp

Faces of London 2018 - Caylee Hankins

Lifestyle photographer and flat track racer Caylee Hankins has been shooting at our shows since the early days at Shoreditch...

By Ross Sharp

Sam Christmas

You'll already have seen Sam Christmas's photos, whether it's this snap for a Davida ad, or cool reportage of the...

By Anthony van Someren