Diary of a Rookie Rider

Dear fellow Rookie Riders, This is an honest account of my first, slightly tentative, steps towards becoming a “proper biker”....

By Ellie Portch

Bike Shed Community Response

When Covid-19 shut our doors on March 20th, one of our members asked if we knew anyone up north who...

By Dutch van Someren

Bike Shed Community Response Volunteers

When it all goes wrong, it's only right that those of us who are able to help, step-up to do...

By Anthony van Someren

MotoGP Live in Shoreditch

In 2014 a few of the original BSMC crew were guests on the then relatively new MotoGP show produced by...

By Ross Sharp

Sunday Scramble - Highlights

On Any Sunday, well, last Sunday - as it happens - The Bike Shed and Off The Kerb hosted around...

By Anthony van Someren