Sould Train 2 You may have seen Ton-up Garage's latest Bonneville build in the Wheels & Waves 2013 "Diary of a Journey" video, but the guys have finally got around to taking some quality studio shots so that we can feature the build properly on The Bike Shed too (...and elsewhere, I'm sure). Pedro was contacted by a guy from France who had seen TUG previous build the Urban Pearl and asked for a new bike to be built along he same aesthetic lines, but withsome light custom work. The bike then traveled from Portugal to Biarritz where Wheels & Waves was taking place... Sould Train 3 The engine and electrics were kept stock, although the engine was repainted in black. The exhaust also remained stock but was also painted and wrapped. Front and rear fenders were remodeled, and a Ton-Up Garage quilted brown two-up seat was fitted. Sould Train 5 From there it was a case of shrinking various components, with a smaller black & copper headlight with a yellow lens, mini indies, small LED tail light, small speedo, etc. LSL bars were fitted with brown grips, and the wheels were powdercoated with brown hubs and black rims, with a smaller 16" rim laced to the back wheel, to accommodate vintage style tyres. Sould Train 4 The rear shocks were replaced with Ohlins units and the front springs were updated to Ohlins progressive items - so no compromise on comfort. The ubercool black & brown with yellow pinstripe paintwork added the final touch of class and the bike was ready to ship back to it's new owner. Sould Train 6 Thanks to Joel Bessa for the photos. See more from TUG on The Bike Shed TUG page and their own Website pages. Sould Train 7